Incisional Hernia and Its Treatment

Dr. Jihad Kudsi, General Surgery, Obesity Medicine and Bariatric Surgeon, Glen Ellyn, Oak Brook, IL // Jihad Kudsi, MD

An incisional hernia is a bulge in the abdomen that forms when tissues or organs protrude through the abdominal wall. It can occur when the surgical incision weakens the abdominal muscles, which normally protect, support, and hold the abdominal organs. An incisional hernia is a common complication associated with abdominal surgery.1

Some hernias are painful while others are asymptomatic.2 Strangulated hernias might be extremely painful, and require immediate medical attention. They are rare, occurring in fewer than 5% of all hernias.3

If you have a hernia, there may be ways to manage it medically. However, the only absolute cure is surgery to repair the abdominal wall.4

Jihad Kudsi, M.D.

Dual Board Certified in General Surgery, Obesity Medicine & Fellowship Trained Bariatric Surgeon