What is a hernia and what is component separation?

Dr. Jihad Kudsi, General Surgery, Obesity Medicine and Bariatric Surgeon, Glen Ellyn, Oak Brook, IL // Jihad Kudsi, MD

Hernias are relatively common health issues that often require surgery to repair. Information below addresses basic information about hernias and common questions about treatment.

What is a hernia?

A hernia is a hole in the belly tissues through which some fat or intestine can pass, causing abdominal bulging and possibly abdominal pain.

The belly wall is made up of many layers of tissue, including:

  • Peritoneum: The innermost lining of the belly wall.
  • Fascia: A thick layer of connective tissue that covers the whole body.
  • Muscles: Rectus muscles (six pack muscles), transversus abdominis, internal obliques, external obliques.
  • Fat
  • Skin

Jihad Kudsi, M.D.

Dual Board Certified in General Surgery, Obesity Medicine & Fellowship Trained Bariatric Surgeon